Frequently asked questions
You can find the frequently asked questions here. Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!
How much does a logo cost?
No need to use devious logo creators or contact various graphic design agencies, marketeers and strategists to request quotes anymore. All our prices are available on our website and you can find a detailed explanation about the different options to choose your brand.
Actually, you get a lot more than just a logo if you buy a Fastbranding brand!
You get a mini styleguide, brand name and the matching web domain for 1 year, which makes it perfect for startup businesses. It's also a perfect choice if you're looking for a fast rebranding of your business. There are three options:- Pick & pay € 2.000
- Pick & pimp € 3.000
- Pick & participate € 4.000
You can take a look at the 3 formulas to find out more about the differences between these three options.
Is it possible to have a logo designed personally?
If you take a look at Our brands, you get an overview of all our available brand names. For every brand name, our team of professionals made some original, cool graphic logo designs and emblem designs. In the "Fast Branding online logo store", you have a good overview of all the possible company logos. There' something for everyone, from classy logos to funny logos.
If you go with the Pick & pimp option, you get two rounds to pimp your logo according to your own wishes. Due to this option, it's possible for you to have a lot of participation in order to create the perfect corporate logo for your company.
What's included in the mini styleguide?
The mini styleguide contains important information about the use of the brand logo.
The logo is the first and the most important element of the visual identity of the brand. The logo will always get a prominent place in the communication of the brand to the outside world. It's also important that the use of the logo always occurs at a recurring, consequent way in posters, letters, the website and all variances of communication so there's a very clear house design style that will be used. -
What's the fastest way to buy a logo?
Do you need a start up logo or icon at a short notice? Are you looking for a nice logo and brandname but don't have the time to contact a design company and a marketing or communication agency?
Fastbranding’s Pick & pay might be just for you! Buy your business name, domain & logo online in just minutes. -
Can I buy a house design?
If you want to get the most out of your purchase, you can go with Pick & participate. This option gives you the design of flyers, e-signs and business cards on top of the basics. It will help to create a complete corporate identity for your business.
Brand name
How do I find a brand that fits my business?
You can take a look at Fastbranding's different powerful brand names at Our brands. There's included an explanation about what the brand name means and what it stands for with some brands. Other brands will just appeal to your imagination.
In this way, it's possible for you to purchase the right nice brand for your business. -
Is the registration of the trademark included in one of the formulas?
By registering your trademark, you protect your personal trademark for 10 years. You can register your trademark in the Benelux, in Europe or even worldwide.
At Fastbranding, the registration of the brand name is not included in our formulas. It's something that optional that you can do to protect your powerful brand.
You can register at BOIP (Benelux Office Intellectual Property), prices start at €244 for a period of 10 years in the Benelux. -
Who created these strong brands?
Fastbranding relies on years of branding experience, because it's powered by comma.
At Fastbranding, our team of senior strategists, marketeers and creative logo designers work together and cocreate very strong brands, ready to buy.
Domain name
Do I need to buy the website name myself?
In all our formulas, you don't need to buy your matching online domain yourself. Our team of professionals at Fastbranding takes care of it.
How do I know the web domain of the brand I choose is not occupied yet?
At Fastbranding, we make sure that the web domain that fits your chosen brand name and logo is still available. You don't need to purchase the domain name yourself, it's included in all of our three different formulas (for the period of one year). You get the full package to launch your own strong brand, for a cheap price and delivered to you at short notice.
Can I choose the name of my website?
The purchase of the web domain of the brand you choose, is included in our services. If you go to Our brands, you get to see the logo options and the matching website name for every brand.